In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Misuse of Language

The euphemism "illegal immigrant" is thrown out daily as a description of the thousands entering the United States without permission. The media likes it. So do those that hope to influence these people with tax dollars to garner a vote. It's a misuse of language, and a dangerous path for the nation.

The correct term for these people is "invader". While some only perceive the word as describing armed soldiers crossing borders, it's only a partial interpretation of the word. It also means encroaching, or infringing. Both are good description of what is happening, and reinforce the use of the word invader.

For those that are so willing to allow the invaders to enter the country, they should be where those caught are brought. Force the supporters to pay for all their needs, and punish them for any illegal activities by those they were so willing to support. Bring these invaders to the sanctuary cities, and wait for the repercussions.

In the past, all invaders were considered enemies. It was understandable, since the invaders were there to plunder, or kill those that they encountered. It's no different today. The invaders are not coming here to observe our laws, or be productive. They're here to take what they can get, and the final result will be a lawless country like the countries they abandoned. 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Humidity is Terrible

For about two weeks, the humidity has been in the intolerable level. When the temperatures in the nineties is added, the days outdoors are miserable. That's why the thought of working the next week in this steam bath is not a welcome thought. It's too early in the summer to dread the summer this much.


I Doubt This Works

Democratic presidential hopefuls had a fish fry.  I'm guessing they think it will help those that attend will remember at least one of their names when election time rolls around.

I think they're expecting way too much from anyone that would vote for any of them. At this time tomorrow, half will probably not remember if they had a bowel movement yesterday. The other half will probably partake in their daily sabbatical behind a dumpster.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Snapshot

I've been working in my hometown. The best way I can describe it is that it's a crap hole. Far from the growing, thriving city of my youth, the abandoned houses, failing streets, obvious signs of poverty, and neglect show a failing city. There isn't enough money, too many city officials are incompetent, and the shrinking tax base indicates it will only become worse.

My hometown isn't an isolated occurrence. Traveling in other cities reveals the same problems. In spite of the booming economy, failed bureaucratic measures only mean doom for these cities. EEO policies turned competent city governments into bureaucratic nightmares, and those elected by those that didn't flee are mostly opportunists looking for a way to receive the most milk from the public cow.

At this point, there isn't anything to attract new business in my hometown. Rampant disregard for the law led to thousands of illegal aliens, who created a sub-society with shops that speak mostly foreign languages. Outsiders are not welcome, and those attempting to broaden their experience may find they're the easy victim of crime. Newcomers will feel threatened, and businesses hoping to expand will find better places for their workers.

So, my hometown will slowly deteriorate, and either become annexed by a larger city, or be absorbed by the growing petrochemical industry. It's a great opportunity for either, since the property values are at rock bottom.  Much can be appropriated by paying back taxes, and anyone surrounded by these abandoned properties will sell at the first opportunity.

I'm sure many others see the same thing in their hometowns. It's sad to see, but it's a hard necessary lesson to be learned by communities. Civil ignorance leads to civil degradation, and the only solution requires an education that public schools are failing to provide.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


When I was 18 years old, I could buy alcohol legally. Of course, this legal option had all the legal consequences for any error I made while  consuming alcohol. At that time, I was considered an adult, and was expected to assume the responsibilities of adulthood.

At that time, which was at the end of the Vietnam War, everyone had a friend, or a family member, that was part of the conflict. While the amount of troops was far from that of previous wars, enough served to make an impression on society. Just about every city had someone either wounded, or killed, while fighting in Vietnam. It was sobering to those not involved; especially when the war became reviled by the media, and the clamor to leave Vietnam was constantly in the news. A feeling of betrayal was born. It wasn't without merit.

We were the first generation not drastically affected by the blight of the Great Depression, and the rationing required for a world war. We knew the effects, since our parents demanded frugal habits, and they would elaborate on the suffering. It led to their strong effort to prevent us from enduring the same events.

Over the next few decades, my generation became older, supposedly wiser, and promoted the goal the children of our generation wouldn't face the same problems our parents faced. It had noble roots, but the consequences are evident today.

Somewhere over the last few decades, the demand for responsibility faded away. With the demand for an easier life, the children raised over these decades did indeed have an easier life, but with this came a belief things should be easy. An entitlement attitude formed, and this became rooted in the basic mindset of too many generations. The sense of entitlement so pervades basic thinking, too many now think we should share this with anyone that wishes to come to the United States; whatever the method. After all, there's free stuff everywhere, and it's the government's responsibility to insure everyone has everything they want....isn't it?

Meanwhile, the media only promotes Progressive ideology. Regardless of the national debt, invasion on the southern border, corruption in the capitol, uneven trade balance, a failing infrastructure, oppressive regulations, and how more citizens are concerned, it's more important to destroy the current administration, kill unborn babies, and protect what can only be called foreign invaders. It's what the current journalists were taught at the universities paid for by their parents, or taxpayers that now are demanded be placed on the hook for the unpaid student loans.

So, we now have a huge mess that can only be cleaned up by the most drastic of actions. Unfortunately, those in charge are as useful as tits on a boar. Too many gained their position by the demand for diversity, and the competent are expected to pay for this incompetence with confiscatory taxes.

Another blogger has written many times this will never be fixed by voting. They're more than right. This will never be fixed by voting, since the too many voters are so ignorant, they have no clue who is the Vice President of the United States. They think we have a Democracy, while never realizing Democracy is a fancy word "mob rule".

I guess we could demand our schools educate children, but since all education is now completely controlled by the federal bureaucracy, it's foolish to think there can be any solution found by this method. Those that teach are so consumed by their erroneous beliefs, they don't have a clue of how they contribute to the problems.

Over the last week, I noticed even those in the forties have been corrupted by the failures of our society. Those I expect to most balanced, thoughtful, and with a strong work effort, are just more whining, spoiled children trying operate in an adult world as children. Their lives have been too easy, and they've grown to depend on others to carry their load. It's saddening to observe, but eventually they will be the "elders" in my trade, and they're woefully unprepared. They'll depend on foreign workers, keep on expecting more than they're worth, and eventually find automation removes their bad attitudes from productive results. I'd write "they deserve it", but they're only the result of decades of ignorance. May God have mercy on them. They'll need it.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Early June Doldrums

It's early in the season, so we're experiencing days little wind, high humidity, and heat. With temperatures in the low nineties, dew points in the mid seventies, and nothing to stir the air, it's miserable to stay outside, unless there's a fan to help dry the sweat. This isn't supposed to last long, which is encouraging. It's miserable outside, and this weather will make work tomorrow unpleasant.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Panic Begins

After observing the news, and reading between the lines, it's beginning to look like panic is setting in with the those that took part in the attempted coup. Muellor retired, Comey is scrambling for face time, Brennan is appearing more insane, and Clapper knows his efforts to dismiss Barr's efforts are futile. When the numerous underlings begin to realize they are now cannon fodder, they'll be willing to trade jail time for information. Those they once feared are now feckless, and soon to be facing things they probably don't want to face.

I'm usually not severely vindictive, but these traitors don't deserve any punishment less harsh than death. It doesn't have to be painful, but it is necessary.