If the problems with the nation could be summarized to one word, that word would be "corruption". It describes everything wrong with our government and the problem won't be solved until the corruption is removed.
Removing the corruption will be a daunting task, but the task will be easier if the removal starts at the top. Prosecute bureau heads, impeach judges that refuse to follow the Constitution, and remove the lobbying atmosphere that permeates the capital.
I doubt the corruption in Washington will be addressed, since so many of those running for office are in the back pockets of those that ignore laws, and ethics, to perpetuate their power, or increase their fortunes. Too much money used to achieve office has a favor attached, and the favors rarely are in the best interest of most individuals.
So, the abscess remain, will probably become worse, and the United States continues to suffer. I'd like to be more optimistic, but I'm not having much luck. The media, and teachers, are doing their best to keep voters ignorant. Too many people I encounter are woefully unable to make good decisions while voting, and the lure of government giveaways is too great. Otherwise, while they're swirling around the porcelain bowl, they have no idea their "treats" aren't really treats, and the final result is a place where they'll be treated like what is flushed.
Amen brother.