I've been reading a few articles, and watching some videos, of the drones spotted over New Jersey. There's a lost of sensationalism in reports, and it makes me wonder about those involved.
I've seen big drones up close. At a facility I once worked that had huge stockpile of product, a drone was used to survey the piles of material to determine volume. It was around 4 feet across, which is much larger than the toy drones many have, and was a huge investment for the surveying company. It took two people to unload it from the truck that carried it, and carried elaborate surveying instruments onboard. It was interesting to watch, and I never paid much attention to it as it flew, but if I hadn't seen it on the ground, I would have had no idea of its size, or distance from me, without some reference.
The sun, and the moon, are about 1/2 degree in angular size. To put that into perspective, if you hold your arm out, and stick your thumb up, about one half the width of your thumb will cover either. Doing so makes you realize how perceived sizes can be misleading. Both look like they cover a large section of the sky when rising, but in reality, even then you can blot them out with half your thumb.
One article stated the individual that saw the drones reported they were up to 6 feet in diameter. Were they? How did they determine this? They also reported they would sometimes fly with their lights off. That made me wonder what they were seeing them with. Were they silhouetted against sky glow? Did they pass so close they had something close to reference them for size?
From what I know, drones larger than a few ounces require a license. Considering the size of New Jersey, and the population, I'd think there are thousands of licensed drones, which can be operated a few hundred feet above the ground without violating any FAA restrictions. Knowing how people are, how alcohol affects judgement, and the willingness of some to hatch elaborate pranks, I wouldn't be surprised if a little party by someone with more money than sense is what caused the reports. That, or a police force was using drones to chase a criminal, or for covert surveillance.
I don't know if the facts will ever be known. I do know the theories, rumors, and outright lies will continue. They are usually more newsworthy, and sought for sensational reports.
The last coupla days I've been paying attention to reports. This one has an alarming statement. What is True? Well,, who knows, right?
A new report states people are flying their own drones to find the other drones. This is adding to the hysteria, and when people start shooting at them, my belief is the push will be on to make them illegal...which might be the intention in the first place.