In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

What About Licenses?

 Of all those pardoned people with licenses, can they keep their licenses? After all, they agreed they are free of crimes of a degree that requires a pardon, and most states remove licenses for some crimes. I wonder how you can even protest having your license removed after being pardoned for a crime? This is uncharted territory, and those that have the power of licensing, also have the power to remove the license if a person is unqualified. I wonder how the bureaucrats will handle the will of those in charge that may have had enough, want to punish those that escaped punishment, and want to do what's right?

I see paybacks on the horizon, and there are many.


  1. Interesting question, and no good answers here.

    1. I don't see how an attorney can keep their license. That, and most doctors.
