In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Just Watching and Thinking

I didn't watch Muellor's testimony, but the snippets in the news indicate he was basically a wall hanger. Regardless of the hype, he appeared as clueless, and an obvious figurehead to use for wrong doing.

Barr wants to reinstate the death penalty. That bring a few things to mind, but mostly the thought that a man that is willing to kill someone for a heinous crime will be willing to prosecute a traitor. I doubt I'm the only one thinking this, and wonder if a few former politicians are looking for real estate in a foreign country.

The economy appears as good, but the government is still spending more than it takes in. For an individual, the borrowing ends long before a lending institution is placed in a compromising position. For government entities, the borrowing ends when the citizens have a few lynchings.

Stress is one of those things that leads to only four options:

Handle the problem

Run from the problem.

Hide from the problem.

Jump from a bridge.

That's all I have time for today.