In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Probably Won't Reveal What People Want Revealed

Pam Bondi gave select reporters binders with information on Epstein. I'm sure there will be some revelations, but there won't be the "gotcha" information wanted by many. Why? If you were going to prosecute, releasing information of those facing prosecution will lead to a circus, civil suits, and a defense that will destroy any conviction. Those involved ( from what was gathered from the flight lists to Epstein's island), have resources, damning information on others, and prosecuting them will require evidence that can't be thrown out due to technicalities. It's a shame, but the opportunity to strike when the iron was hot is gone. 

Was there an intentional effort to keep powerful people from being prosecuted? That's a question that requires an answer. Avoiding the responsibility of stopping sex crimes involving minors is a crime that demands a severe punishment after conviction. This too will take time, since there are no convictions to use as evidence against those that covered for the crime. It's a mess, will take a long time to prosecute, and those involved may not even be in the United States to face justice. When you add the years that passed, how time removes details of events, and how attorneys can twist facts to their advantage, the justice required may never happen. Some of those involved may not want to be dragged through the legal process and forcing them to appear in court as traumatic as the criminal event.

Ghislaine Maxwell knows much of what went on. Supposedly, she's still in prison, and has a ton of civil suits against her. Will she ever tell? That could be dangerous, and being in prison isn't as safe as some may think. (Ask Epstein...of that's right, you can't) She'll probably go to her grave never exposing those that should be in prison, but maybe she will. I doubt it. 


  1. Spot on as usual Jess. Now the info has been “delayed” because traitors in the FBI are refusing to release all of it.

    I personally think that that this is like many other such cases. Everyone knows who was there, what they were doing, they are all covering for each other and as long as they have room for a reasonable doubt, they know they’ll never face actual time in jail. But they will get dragged throw the mud, booed and hissed at, and maybe get pelted with rotten vegetables and cabbages thrown by the angry mob.

    But look at the show! Team Trump are all heroes for bringing this sordid affair to light (they did not), they’re all brave heroes for trying to make the perps face justice (they’re not), and the show unmasked internal enemies within the FBI and have given just cause for their termination. It is a PR masterpiece, and may well destroy the political aspirations of many political enemies in the democrats, and internal enemies among the Repubs. Finally, it is no secret that globalists (the international Jewry) are an incredibly powerful and often harmful presence in DC politics. A scandal of this magnitude involving Israel would threaten that power and serve to maybe make them easier to deal with. As a managerial psyop… it’s 4D chess. We must give the devil his due.

    It also may signal a tectonic shift in US politics: the conservatives are finally starting to fight, and are signalling the Donks that they can fight dirty too. The days of the old uniparty may finally be numbered.

    1. Many are in a panic. That's good. They'll make mistakes and the mistakes will reveal more.
