In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Today's Thoughts

Much of what is written below is easily found on the internet with search engines. I didn't post links because I'm lazy this morning.

 Biden is attending the G-7 summit, which is euphemistic for the big poker game. Cards are played, faces are examined, and the pot is basically all the money in the world, although the players want you to believe it's not. Backers will be watching; shady characters that don't want the public to know how much they're influencing the players. Fun will be had by all, and Biden will find showing his cards is not a good way to win. That, and if we're lucky, he doesn't go all in with a pair of deuces.

Crime is up in large cities. Regardless of how the problem is spun, the basic problem is people without, want what they didn't earn, and really don't feel bad about killing someone in the process. Of course, the police are part of this problem, since they don't want to work in these large cities. I wouldn't either. Crime pays, law enforcement becomes the plaything of politicians, and honest officers realize Mayberry is a much nicer place to work.

Someone will pay 28 million dollars to take a trip in space with Jeff Bezos. I think this person is flat out nuts. Jeff Bezos? Couldn't they pick someone else?

Lumber prices are out of sight. That, and home prices are grossly inflated. What can go wrong with this?

The audit continues in Arizona. The results will be interesting, if not outright entertaining. I have some popcorn, and recommend staying armed.

A lobster diver was swallowed by a humpback whale. Most find this hard believe. I feel the same. 

The Southern Baptists are disagreeing on their future. For that matter, most all denominations are doing the same. This makes me wonder, since the rule book is concise, and the rules are basic. Maybe they should read the rules. The penalties are harsh for not doing so.

The Covid fiasco continues, with a huge push to get everyone an injection of a serum made in a hurry, without long term testing, for an illness with results far below what any rational scientist would call a pandemic, and there is no legal recourse for anyone that is harmed. If this doesn't fit the description of insanity, then nothing does.

Congress is in full swing. As usual, there is enough posturing to cause nausea. The media drools over the progress, believes some great thing is happening, and ignores the fact the only arguments are about spending more money; not how to spend less. 

Texas is proposing to build it's own border wall. I think it's a good idea, but shouldn't stop at Mexico. Ignorant Yankees are sure screwing up the local economy, and I'm suspicious of the motives of some. I'd sleep better knowing they have to jump through hoops to come to Texas.

It's hot around here. Too hot for this early. Usually, that means an extra hot Gulf of Mexico, which means a larger chance of some kind of tropical system. What happens is to be seen, but I'm doing everything I can to avoid staying in it. 


  1. It is that kinds of Sunday. But, after sleeping well I got up and read some, chatted with The Mrs., cut a commercial for our podcast and now I'm here. Pugsley went to wrestling, and then we had a long sorta aimless chat afterwards before he (without being prompted) did his chores.

    I take every bit I can get.

    1. I had a great Sunday, which meant some time at the grill, getting too hot, and only eating a tiny supper. Still, it was peaceful, and the day was beautiful.

  2. The Covid fiasco continues, with a huge push to get everyone an injection of a serum made in a hurry, without long term testing, for an illness with results far below what any rational scientist would call a pandemic, and there is no legal recourse for anyone that is harmed. If this doesn't fit the description of insanity, then nothing does.

    A Winnah! Folks, we have a Winnah!!
