In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

After Effects

I was thinking about my doctors, and realized my trust of the medical profession has fallen to what I consider an unacceptable level. I have good doctors, but with something they don't deal with, my apprehension about new doctors is high. The covid debacle is the reason for this distrust, and I wonder how the medical profession can redeem the faith of people. 

The same distrust is toward "scientists" that sold their soul to research that once would have been shown as bunk, and the scientists shamed for their actions. Many people lost their lives due to the "professional" opinions of "experts". That, and financial ruin due to these people almost hard to envision. With unscrupulous politicians, and ignorant people, added to the problem, it will take some harsh punishments for some involved for some to realize how terrible Covid became. The disease was nothing compared to the "cure". In my opinion, some of those involved are guilty of murder, and should be prosecuted for the crime; Fauci in particular. He is the same caliber as the worst the Nazis used, and a hanging is justified.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

How About Today?

I think there are many like me that want to see someone facing punishment for their crimes while employed by the U.S. Government, or using tax dollars. Today is a good day to see a news report that the arrests have started. I don't know about you, but I have a feeling that won't happen.

Friday, February 28, 2025

No Deal

Zelensky burned his butt, and Ukraine will suffer the consequences. He lost today by showing his desperation. Any deal from this point on will not be in the favor of his country, and Europe will either cover his costs, let him flounder, or make the bigger mistake of causing problems with the United States. From my point of view, the grift is over, money laundering ended, and Ukraine just lost...again.

Probably Won't Reveal What People Want Revealed

Pam Bondi gave select reporters binders with information on Epstein. I'm sure there will be some revelations, but there won't be the "gotcha" information wanted by many. Why? If you were going to prosecute, releasing information of those facing prosecution will lead to a circus, civil suits, and a defense that will destroy any conviction. Those involved ( from what was gathered from the flight lists to Epstein's island), have resources, damning information on others, and prosecuting them will require evidence that can't be thrown out due to technicalities. It's a shame, but the opportunity to strike when the iron was hot is gone. 

Was there an intentional effort to keep powerful people from being prosecuted? That's a question that requires an answer. Avoiding the responsibility of stopping sex crimes involving minors is a crime that demands a severe punishment after conviction. This too will take time, since there are no convictions to use as evidence against those that covered for the crime. It's a mess, will take a long time to prosecute, and those involved may not even be in the United States to face justice. When you add the years that passed, how time removes details of events, and how attorneys can twist facts to their advantage, the justice required may never happen. Some of those involved may not want to be dragged through the legal process and forcing them to appear in court as traumatic as the criminal event.

Ghislaine Maxwell knows much of what went on. Supposedly, she's still in prison, and has a ton of civil suits against her. Will she ever tell? That could be dangerous, and being in prison isn't as safe as some may think. (Ask Epstein...of that's right, you can't) She'll probably go to her grave never exposing those that should be in prison, but maybe she will. I doubt it. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Physic, Energy and Potatoes

I like potatoes. I like them cooked to where a small amount of salt is all needed for seasoning, and covered with butter, sour cream, chives, bacon and cheddar cheese. They're good, and I decided to write this post after reading on how potatoes are fattening. 

Potatoes have potential energy. We use the chemical energy as food, which is not only tasty, it offers some important vitamins and minerals. Eat a tiny amount, and there isn't enough energy to keep you alive. Eat too much potato, and you eventually accumulate fat you don't need. Otherwise, a potato isn't fattening; your appetite is fattening, and thinking you just need to avoid potatoes doesn't remove the fact eating potatoes has nothing to do with your weight gain. 

After thinking about this post, I started wondering just how much energy a potato has, if you could release it all at once. Would it just be small, bright light? Maybe a little more, such as a singed spot on a table? Or, would it take out the walls of a room, and scare the crap out of everyone within hearing distance? I made a half-hearted effort to find out, but became frustrated after seeing so many articles on how a potato can be used like a battery to light small light bulbs used for headlights on gnats. I guess I'll never know. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Now That It Was Created, What Is To Be Done?

Through illegal elections, financial influence, and outright thievery, the U.S. has a ruling class. This class of people hold important government positions, weld their power with impunity, and stolen a tremendous amount of money from those that pay taxes. Now what do we do? Many have no wealth, except what they acquired through illegal stock trades, slush funds, and using regulations to improve their ability to acquire wealth. With that wealth came power, and with that power, they ignored laws, decency, and did so without any attempt at integrity. 

If those in the government were in organized crime, (I know, it is) their assets would be seized, and they would be charged for their crimes. They do this with drug dealers, bookies, and hired thugs. Whether this happens is to be seen, but the example must be set, and the criminals running the country need to face their prosecutions. 

Cleaning Up

Pelosi, and others, grifted money for San Francisco, which in a national perspective, is of no importance. Included are unneeded buildings and millions for a trust for a city park.  According to Democrats, it's retaliation. Maybe so, but regardless, the taxpayers don't need to be paying for things that have no purpose to the rest of the country in what has become a large outdoor toilet in California. The pendulum is swinging hard, and without mercy. I have no sympathy. In fact, I have no problem if it's retaliation. Pelosi through down the gauntlet, and now will find she can't escape the reaction.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Update Photos

I'm posting these photos with the hope that parents will show them to their children that spend a lot of time in the sun. Lighter skin has a higher chance of cancer, but the ionizing radiation of the sun can damage all types of skin. In the end, Mohs procedure is the lesser of procedures when dealing with skin cancer. If it metastasizes, the extra treatments include chemo and radiation therapy. If it's melanoma, the chances of survival can be really low.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025


I had my Moh's surgery this morning. I gave us 2 -1/2 hours to reach what should be a 1-1/2 hour trip. After dealing with a parking lot, when there was a wreck on US 90, and having to turn around to seek another route, we reached our destination with only four minutes to spare. I asked the receptionist if the 8:00 am appointment was hard to fill, she replied "it is". I can see why. Dealing with Houston rush hour traffic on the major highways, the interchanges, and the ass-clowns that drive like its Daytona in their trucks with the loud pipes, I can see where that time slot is not preferable. Those types need to be required to have a shock collar on their neck, which is activated by anyone that has the crap scared out of them, when they drive like idiots. 

Anyway, the surgeon stated my melanoma was Phase 0. The cancer was caught at the earliest stage and hadn't progressed into the lower skin levels. That was extremely good news, and my observation of my skin now needs to involve mapping my skin, which I will pursue with my dermatologist. If he isn't as aggressive with this, I'll find another dermatologist. 

I'll post photos of the divot he carved in my neck after I remove the initial bandages, which will probably be sometime tomorrow. I want to see the stitches, and count them like I usually do. Tonight I'll continue capturing the sleep I missed last night. I didn't get but a couple of hours, and my nap this afternoon was not sufficient  to recover the lost sleep. I do have some pain medication, if needed, but so far, there isn't any; even with the numbness now gone.

One good thing is that my dermatologist locally will remove the stitches, which will remove the need to participate in the madness called "rush hour" in Houston. I wouldn't wish that on many people, but probably would reserve some of that agony on people I don't care for. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

I'm Tired of Waiting

When are they going to arrest one of the obvious traitors? That, and arresting those that obviously broke financial laws to make millions with insider trading. I don't care if they're still investigating. Make them wait that time out in jail, just like those that were arrested for being in the capitol January 6, 2021. Allow them no bond, since they have enough money to be considered a flight risk, and seize their assets. Fair is fair and I'm tired of waiting.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Deep Thoughts

I had my bi-annual appointment with my dermatologist a little over a week ago. As usual, there were some pre-cancers to be treated with liquid nitrogen, and with two spots of concern I showed my dermatologist, there were some biopsies. As an afterthought, and not of any concern of mine, I showed him a small mole on my neck that hadn't been there very long. He decided to go ahead and do a biopsy, and we decided my visits need to be every three months in the future. 

The day before yesterday, they called to inform me of the results. One of the areas was just an irritation from what was probably an ingrown hair. One, which was treated six months ago, and had reappeared turned out to be a squamous cell cancer (I figured it was) and another appointment was made to finish removing the cancer early next month. The mole result was a little of a gut punch. It's melanoma, which leads to an entire different approach. 

My Moh's surgeon doesn't handle melanoma. I never asked why, but when asked during a visit, she told me she doesn't do them. After a referral, I was contacted by a doctor's office in Houston for scheduling a surgery. That happens next Wednesday. 

So, to say I'm not a little freaked out is an understatement. My thoughts haven't been super positive; even with encouragement from my wife and family. We'll see how this all turns out, and what the future brings. I hope for the best, but other thoughts are creeping into my mind. Melanoma killed my mother three months after I was born. Of course, that was nearly seventy years ago, and treatments are far more advanced. Still, things may change rapidly, and my thoughts can shift into the darker range. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Interesting and Necessary

According to this article, a federal judge following procedures must have a party post a bond before an injunction is awarded to cover costs if the plaintiff is wrong. Otherwise, if after all appeals the request for the injunction leads to economic damage to the defendant, and the plaintiff is wrong, the bond pays for the damages. If this bond is like most bonds, either the bond is furnished by the plaintiff in secured funds, or the plaintiff purchases the bond at at a price the bonding agent feels is a good price for the possible exposure, and the plaintiff pays an up-front fee for the bond. According to the article, this is rarely used, and the burden of costs goes directly to the defendant, or taxpayers, even if the injunction is overturned in appeal. We'll see how this is applied in the future, but it's definitely necessary to force activist judges to follow procedures and give pause to those so willing to use the justice system at the cost of others.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I Hope She's Busy

Pam Bondi is the new Attorney General.  I hope she's busy, because the obvious crimes are blatantly exposed, and the offenders need to be in jail until their trial. No bond. No interviews with the press, and their attorneys need the threat of imprisonment for even speaking their client's name. Regardless of all the hype, supposed efforts to correct the wrongs, and public determination, the possibility it's all a show is something to think about. Until strong actions are seen, it's nothing but political theater. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Repairing Damage

With all the rot in D.C. being exposed, I'm wondering what the D.O.J. will finally do with all the bad actors involved with the illegal activities that occurred over decades. Both major political party leaders were involved, the crimes include up to capital crimes, and the Trump Administration has key people that were victims of some of these crimes. May justice be swift in response, and the attorneys representing these reprobates only hoping for a plea deal. There's a lot of damage that needs repairing, and people that need to face accepting years in prison.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Call Them What They Are

From looking at the news, ciphering what's reported, and reading between the lines, I can see many federal agencies are filled with thugs, parasites and derelicts. To make things worse, they give away taxpayer money at will for kickbacks and favors. When fired, many will take their grifting and swindling to the private sector. That's a problem and will make smart consumers very wary of products, and service, they purchase. Those in manufacturing will have to stay on top of their quality control.  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

What Might Be Found?

From reading some reports, it appears many U.S. agencies have been automatically paying for things they shouldn't be paying for. How much? The examination is in its earlies stages but it will be a substantial amount. Included in these automatic payments are to groups that don't have the best intentions for the United States. Maybe we should demand our money back, and go get it if they don't do as asked. One thing is for sure: find all these payments, remove those necessary, and punish anyone that authorized the payments without vetting the recipient, or avoiding scrutiny with illegal methods. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

This Is How It Works

Jimmy Carter was President in the late seventies. They were terrible years for the economy, national security suffered, and the bureaucracy grew. Inflation reached double digits and the interest on borrowing followed the same path. People could get loans, but few wanted pay interest that was around 16% when it peaked. The U.S. learned a lesson, but unfortunately, after forty years, the lesson was forgotten, and we had to deal with another feckless Democrat President. In my opinion, this is a forty year cycle that will be repeated until the political parties follow the Constitution and demand everyone hired, serving, or on the bench do the same. 

I'll probably never see another President as bad as Carter, or Biden. Two time was two times too many.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Will They Court Martial Milley?

From what I've read, Milley is not insulated from a court martial by his pardon. So, to settle this matter, they need to proceed with trying him for what he was accused, or allow him to accept he is guilty, remove his pension, change his discharge to dishonorable, and let his legacy follow Arnold's. The crimes he has been accused of are serious; so serious the death penalty is a possible punishment. If he is innocent, then he can present his defense in a military trial. Until then, he should be treated as a criminal.

My Suggestion

I think Harris, Biden, and anyone else that facilitated allowing illegal aliens into the Texas, should be prosecuted for treason. The description of the crime fits their actions, any of the guilty party with pardons are not protected from state law, and the maximum sentence of 20 years should be the punishment for those convicted. When convicted, send them to one of the prison farms. Some years in the hot sun should bake out some of the evil.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Ground is Saturated...

...and more rain is forecast for the middle of the week. We don't need it. I poured 4 inches out of the rain gauge this morning. Part of the yard looks like a lake, and I have a feeling part of the road will flood.  

Friday, January 24, 2025

Cats Playing with Mice

Fauci lost his security detail. Now, they have a subject that will likely trade all types of information for security. Of course, their might be those that don't want him secure, and would rather he disappear. We'll see who gets to him first, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

What About Licenses?

 Of all those pardoned people with licenses, can they keep their licenses? After all, they agreed they are free of crimes of a degree that requires a pardon, and most states remove licenses for some crimes. I wonder how you can even protest having your license removed after being pardoned for a crime? This is uncharted territory, and those that have the power of licensing, also have the power to remove the license if a person is unqualified. I wonder how the bureaucrats will handle the will of those in charge that may have had enough, want to punish those that escaped punishment, and want to do what's right?

I see paybacks on the horizon, and there are many.

Let The Trials Begin

From reports I've read, there were some of the J6 prisoners abused while incarcerated. The reports stated physical, and psychological, torture from guards who are now not protected by a rogue administration. Some reports state prisoners are still being held, regardless of their pardon. If any of this is true (and why should I doubt it?) and the investigations expose those involved, there is no fury from citizens more terrible for those that tortured citizens simply because they wouldn't admit a crime, or do what their guards wanted. Those involved with the torture have now become pariahs, their futures filled with terrible moments, and for those that were not pardoned, prosecutions that will demand the most harsh of penalties. Those that can post bail will wish they hadn't. Their families will be affected, too. 

Pardons may protects those in the last administration that needed prosecuting from charges, but nothing can protect them from the public, or officials that turn their backs. May they suffer for their actions.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Do Pardons Cover This?

From what I've read, preemptive pardons remove the ability to prosecute for crimes before the date of the pardon. Otherwise, the individual pardoned is free from punishment for all their criminal activities to that point. What about criminal culpability for refusing to expose others involved with the crimes, or perjury for refusing to answer questions, or testifying? How about any monies acquired during the possible crimes committed during the time before the pardon? What is acceptable for the pardoned individual to keep? How about public pensions? Are constitutional protections removed from those pardoned because they accepted they are criminals?

This is a little mind boggling. Those accepting a preemptive pardon basically gave up the rights, face the possibility to be ruined by constant demands to testify, and any funds from profits from their ill-gotten monies are not protected from seizure. They've become a non-citizen, and what's to keep them from being deported? They accepted their fate, and their crimes in the past don't have to be proven. They're the worst of the worst, and any citizen that feels threatened by them can have a restraining order against them, refuse them any service, and demand they have no access to certain public facilities. 

I can see where those pardoned can now be the targets of prosecutors. Prosecutor have everything to gain from constant pressure for information, and judges can refuse relief from the court due to the fact the individual has accepted their guilt. They're now responsible to society to help prevent their crimes from happening again. If they won't cooperate, they're now involved with crimes not covered by their pardon.

A Stillness I May Never Experience Again

The snow was a thrill for the children today, which allowed their parents to allow their childhood fascination to reappear for an afternoon. Improvised sleds were pulled behind motorized vehicles, and snowballs were a constant reminder of watching your back. 

One great niece, when I noticed she was just sitting, replied with a quick "no" when I asked: "You don't like cold weather"? I ushered her to the fire pit, told her her Pa-Pa was not using his chair, and she sat to warm her hands. I'm thinking there may be more to her morose feeling than just the cold. She's the child of a couple that is going through some custody adjustments, and her mother is notorious for attempting to turn he daughter against her father that has possessive custody. A mediation is scheduled for Friday, and if my assessment of her mother is correct, she's been working hard to muddy the water with outright lies. Such things are hard on children at eight years of age. Someone with wisdom wouldn't subject their child to an attempt to get them to choose sides when they are unable to process the entire problem. I don't see that wisdom, and the petty, vicious actions of the past only make me wish her custody would end. 

We did have somewhat of a thaw late in the afternoon. This offered me an opportunity to sweep any snow left on the steps, which allowed the thin layer of water to dry. The guaranteed freeze near dark would make them treacherous for a trip down the steps. They dried before the temperature dropped below freezing. This will allow our little dog access to the spot where I removed snow in the yard, which is till deep in snow where I haven't shoveled it away. Accomplishing his business is tough when squatting puts his hind end in the piled snow. I had to carry him out in the yard for his first effort this morning, which left him somewhat panicky. He didn't quite know what to think of the snow, would run into it only to return again, and finally found a spot to complete his business. He's now an old pro. He doesn't dally like on pleasant mornings. 

I went to bed at 6:00 pm with the knowledge I'd awake in a few hours. I woke at 10:00 pm, looked at the temperature, and decided to I'd mostly stay awake the rest of tonight. It was 21 degrees at the time. In 2 hours, it fell to 17. We'll be near single digits by sunrise, and regardless of my efforts to prevent frozen pipes, I will still run some water off, and on, during the night to guarantee that water will be available. The well house is sufficiently warm, but I'm wary. I wouldn't be able to do anything but cat-nap anyway, so I'll be vigilant until it is above freezing tomorrow. Hopefully, all my preparations were successful.

Outside, it was a dead-still winter wonderland. The snow was still thick. The only sound to be heard was an occasional hoot of an owl, and the snow scintillated like diamonds in the light from a flashlight. The aroma of wood smoke was heavy, and the wind was calm,. The crunch of the snow was loud as I walked through the yard and followed some small tracks I assume were from a bird. They led me to where they must have flown away, since they ended abruptly. The sky was clear, Orion was overhead, and the Big Dipper was rising in the east. It wasn't as clear as I thought it would be. There was a haziness to the air, which I think is probably from the cold air reacting to the moisture available at sunset.

The next few days will bring freezing temperatures at night, but nights will soon be warmer than freezing again. Weather forecasters are calling for high rain chances this weekend. We won't need the rain. The melting snow will keep the ground saturated for days, and any rainfall will immediately fill the outfalls. 

Locally, the schools, and government offices, will be closed. Many businesses will do the same to prevent their employees from driving on what are definitely treacherous roads. The snow melted into a slush, which hadn't dried at dark. I'm sure there is black ice to be found, and bridges without sand are a skating rink.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Maybe a Record

It started snowing around midnight. Before that, there was some light sleet, which didn't stick, but was so light it didn't create ice, when the temperature dropped below freezing. I stayed up to about 2:00 am, and awoke at 5:00 am. The snow falling was heavy, and according to my rain gauge, somewhere around 3 inches of snow already fell. That's something that only happens a few times in a lifetime in this area. 

When I was about 5 years old, we had heavy snow like this. I don't remember playing in the snow, but photos showed I did, and the snow was piled in drifts up next to our house. Another snow happened again during my last year in high school, but it wasn't this heavy, although it was probably around 2 inches. 

The children will love this. If they stay in this area for the rest of their lives, they may get another opportunity like this, but if things stay the same, they may be adults when it happens again...if ever. 

So, I'm again reminded how I'm not prepared for snow. I have no snow shovel, so the steps were swept of the heavy snow, and the continuing light snow is keeping them dusted. My boots will stay by the door, after removing them when I enter. The mat will be damp, but sweeping off my boots should keep it from being soaked. 

I don't think my dog will like the change, and wonder if I'll have to pick him up, place him in the yard, and hope his need to take care of his business will overrule his effort to seek the warmth of the house. Bless his little heart. He won't have any idea what happened, and will probably not like this at all.

Local schools, and government offices, will be closed today, which is good. Those that can drive in snow is a rarity here, and even though there is no black ice on anything at this time, tomorrow morning will bring a multitude of wrecks due to the bridges freezing tonight after the snow that melts today wets the decks. Freeways will probably have sanded bridges, but the rural bridges will not have the same treatment. Those venturing out may find it was a mistake to try to go to work.

Monday, January 20, 2025

What Tomorrow May Bring

 Local forecasters are predicting the possibility of up to 4 inches of snow by Wednesday morning. Time will tell, but it's clear this morning and it looks like the temperature will bottom out at 22 degrees. We're supposed to reach around 40 degrees today, which may happen, but the low this morning is around 3 degrees lower than the forecast from yesterday, and we may not reach that temperature. Clouds will approach today, and if early, we might get colder, nastier conditions than forecast. Pipes are protected and the light is on in the well house.

As I looked around this morning, I observed a turkey that I've never seen before. It's a young male, and I have no idea which neighbor had an escapee, but if it's like the two peacocks that appeared last month, it will stay close and we'll have a new member of the local group of fowls that roam for food. They assimilate where there is the possibility of food, and I can't blame them for wanting to stay with freedom. 

Today is when the poo hits the fan. We'll see if the cold in D.C. keeps the protesting critters at bay, but I have a feeling some will make an effort to actually do the job they're being paid to perform. Regardless, if I was Trump, my speech would be short, I would make it in a secure area, and ignore the chattering from the peanut gallery. If he's true to his word, there will be Executive Orders appearing like flies at road-kill.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cold Weather Breakfast

Just one more post for this morning.

I woke this morning about 5:00. Looking in the fridge, and thinking for a few moments, I had the urge to make sausage and milk gravy. Some might call it S.O.S., or biscuits and gravy, but it really doesn't matter. It's a good cold morning breakfast, which sticks to your ribs. There was enough to have more tomorrow...if it lasts that long.

Windfall For Those That Sell Shredding Machines

With the fleeing of those that will need to flee, I wonder if there are some people making some good money on selling shredding machines. Of course, they're supposed to preserve records, but if they don't exist, what is there to preserve? I may be wrong on thinking there is really big group of people in D.C. trying to cover up their subterfuge, but I don't think I am.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Many Things Could Happen

Old Joe will officially leave the day after tomorrow.  Some, like me, don't think he was ever there, but the legacy media sure thought he was. That, and his sycophants took full advantage of the tail light he placed on his backside. Now, he'll be gone, but what does his future hold?

- Write a book? Of course not. He'll get paid from the fiction of a ghost writer and probably screw the ghost writer out of their fee.

-  Delve into philanthropy? Nah. 

- Retire to Mainland China? I doubt it. 

- Try to sell influence? His supply is gone.

- Spend time with his grandchildren? Probably not the female grandchildren. Ask their parents why.

- Spend time asking for forgiveness from God? Maybe he can get the Pope to give him a free pass. 

- Spend his time travelling with his wife? That would make a fantastic reality show. 

- Take up painting? Hunter did, insured the paintings, and last I heard, had them insured before the fires. 

- Continue in politics? I won't go there.

Personally, I think with him out of office, the instructions for his Secret Service detail will be to not let him out of the house, cut off all his outside communications, and let Jill decide what he's supposedly said. His failure as President will be a legacy only appreciated by Jimmy Carter, who has now gone to the big peanut in the sky.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Visitors Last Week

Last week, we had temperatures hovering between just below freezing to the upper thirties. Cloudy, and some light rain, it was uncomfortable outside, but much better than around 100 miles to the north, where there was freezing precipitation. As I was watching the pond, I was amazed at the number of small birds flying just above the water and almost hovering over a shallow section. It appeared they were feeding; much like the purple martins in the summer. 

There were hundreds of the small birds, which made me go for my binoculars to observe them closer. That's when I spotted their color. Their backs were blue, their chests were white and they had a black mask at their eyes. I had never seen the birds before. A little research on the web led to discovering what they were: tree swallows. 

I found this picture on the internet on the iNaturalist page. Whoever took the photo caught the colors, which in the gray of winter days is brilliant against the dark backgrounds. 

The birds stayed for a few days in numbers, and a few are still hanging around. According to what I read, the species winters along the Gulf Coast, and the flocks can be large. The one I observed was, and brightened a day of miserable weather. I don't know what they were feeding on, but they spent hours over the same spot. Either they consumed all there was to consume, or they left for another spot to feed.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How Could It Have All Gone Wrong?

Let's see: Three unqualified important officials that only have the qualifications of being of the correct sexual orientation, slushing money allocated for infrastructure, draining important water sources to protect a fish that doesn't exist, and allowing dangerous dry brush to accumulate in places where it can't be controlled when ignited. Surely everyone can see this has nothing to do with the fires in Los Angeles. It has to be Mother Nature, or Trump. If you don't believe this, ask the legacy media and California officials. They'll straighten out your thinking. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

What May Be Coming

Los Angeles is a huge amount of the population that makes up the state of California. Their dislike of current events, a seething anger, and a demand for change may lead to a revolt that changes the state. It won't take much to start the revolt, but the outcome for those so willing to sacrifice their own citizens for unrealistic goals will be the worst. Some will escape the wrath of those injured, but those without the resources, and with no way to escape, may find their lives miserable for a long, long time. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of folks, and considering how much many lost, and will lose forever, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. They will find they're alone, and safety a major concern. Time will tell how this works out, but for those that lost everything, their anger has no limits.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Clearing the Power Lines

We have a rural electrical co-op that furnishes our electricity. Since it's not owned by those wanting to please shareholders, keeping the right-of-ways clear is a priority. I'm guessing they keep about 10 feet on each side of the lines clear to the ground, and they grind the underbrush to right above the dirt. This allows the company access for maintenance, and keeps dangerous ground faults from tree limbs touching the cables during high winds. It's all good, and even though I live in a forested area, the service is better than when I lived in a rural area with few trees. That area was serviced by a huge electric company, and they gave a rodent's fanny about my concerns. 

From what I've been reading, a problem that might have caused the huge fires in the L.A. area was a lack of keeping the local grid cleared. Extra high winds, limbs touching the cables, and the sparks created more fires than could be handled. The result is what we see, and the utility company had its hands tied with regulations. Regardless of what was appropriate, it was prevented from an important job by government officials willing to sacrifice people for environmental concerns without merit.  

So, who do they sacrifice for the problem? My guess, the electric company will be found in fault and those most responsible will have no problem continuing their environmental madness. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I'm thinking I'm not. Those willing to rebuild will find their electricity will come from underground cables, the expensive alternate construction will be beyond the means of an average homeowner, and large tracts of land will be available for the rich and famous. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Waiting for Payback

I don't know what Trump will do after taking office, but I'm waiting for payback to those involved with his harassment. It can't happen soon enough, and with some, I'd like to see them prosecuted as traitors. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Commercials, Medications and Supplements

One thing about being sick is the extra time you have to watch tv and analyze commercials. After analysis, I've found you really can't believe anything you watch, must do some to research on what is advertised, and not fall for the hype. 

The current weight loss medications will help lose weight, but if you read the fine print they flash for a few seconds, they're only temporary, the real long term results require a change in lifestyle, and the possible side effects may be permanent. Also, they're expensive and may not be paid by insurance. Otherwise, pushing the plate away a little sooner will accomplish the same thing, and have long term results without the high price.

Many of the supplements have actors, or paid patients, to tell how wonderful their life has become, and swear by the product. The problem with all is the disclaimer required by the FDA that states the supplement is not approved, or recommended by the FDA. To make things worse for some, they've been fined for falsely claiming benefits from the product, and had to remove the claims from their commercials. When you add the extreme cost for some, research other options, and realize the hype, you find there are supplements less expensive, and none are usually needed with a healthy diet. To make matters worse for some, they authorize automatic payment from an account when taking advantage of advertised special deals. Stopping the automatic payment can be a problem and add costs to return unused products. The lack of peer-previews of tests make many suspicious of product claims, and should chase any possible consumer away from what can be nothing but junk science.

The amount of crap advertised is astounding. More astounding is the blind belief the claims are true. Most of it falls under the classification of "snake oil", and much of it is expensive. While even some advertisers have doctor testimonials, that doesn't automatically mean the doctors have any scientific backing for their claims, and many commercials have small print disclaimers that state those promoting the product are being paid, or are actors, which in my opinion, removes any credibility from their claims. They're being paid to peddle a product, and their greed may be more important than your health.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

What Does Logic Dictate?

Logic can be cruel; especially when there are so many good things envisioned, but if you examine the current state of affairs, and look into the past, you realize how things will probably turn out. 

- None of the Clintons will be prosecuted. If they are, I'll be very surprised. 

- Epstein's records, if there are any, will never be revealed. There's too much money, too many willing to kill someone for a few thousand dollars, and too many powerful people involved. 

- Those convicted, or still in jail, for the January 6 staged event will find there isn't much help. Their lives are still ruined, few have that charm needed to wow audiences, and book deals will never happen. 

- The economy will chug along, inflation will never be tamed, and living on a fixed income will become increasingly more difficult. The up side is those most vulnerable will die the fastest. Their suffering will be limited. 

- The "deep state" will continue with their shenanigans. They have too much dirt on those in power and will never let them take away what they've achieved. They let those that allow their actions to stay in power, continue with growing their fortunes, and cover their butts. 

- Illegal aliens will continue to cost money. Regardless of the easiest way to get rid of them, the most expensive, most "compassionate" method will be chosen regardless of the harm it causes to U.S. citizens. 

There's more, but it's obvious to most folks. Those most needing to be removed from society will continue to flourish, morals will deteriorate, and the best solutions to solve the worst of problems will never be undertaken.  I know this is a cynical appraisement, but until there's something that shows this isn't the standard way these things happen, I'll hold to my opinion. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

We're About To Get Cold

 We call it cold, but for many it's nothing. Temperatures are forecast to dip into the mid twenties at night starting Sunday night, and lows for the next few days afterwards about the same. Highs should be in the forties, which means freezing temperatures will only last for a few hours. 

So far this year, we've only had two nights where the temperature just made it down to 32 degrees. Most night have been in the forties, fifties and sixties. Daytime highs have been in the fifties up to the low eighties. It's been a blessing since heating, and cooling, don't require much electricity, which keeps the bill down. 

So far, this has been a mild, although wet Winter. The ground is saturated, and the mostly dreary weather hasn't allowed much drying. A wet Spring may bring some flooding we don't need. Time will tell, and regardless, there isn't anything I can do about it.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Waiting To See

It's a new year, and about to be a new administration to confiscate hard earned money run the United States. I don't have  a lot of confidence in things dramatically changing. Unless courts ignore obvious efforts to cause problems, chastise ambulance chasers, expedite proceedings to clear dockets, and place those in contempt in jail, things really won't change. Too many attorneys occupy positions that the separation of powers should forbid, but they really don't care much about laws, unless they find they can't bend them to their needs. Most problems only require easy solutions, but when you bring the courts into the fray, there are no solutions, just more problems.