In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

It Almost Makes Me Want To Laugh

 Local news can be enlightening. One report has a woman running from police, after a road-rage incident with a gun. She was eventually stopped with spike strips, and the police found meth, a pipe, and a loaded .22, which she earlier pointed at another driver, which led to the chase. 

In another unrelated story, another women, after being stopped for questioning about a fraud complaint, took off in her car, led police on a long chase, and was stopped with spike strips. Since two states were involved with her criminal activities, she will probably have some explaining to multiple judge. 

Meanwhile, the city where I was raised is having a problem picking up the trash the citizens pay dearly to have done. From the photos, it's not the household trash, but the old appliances, furniture, big items, and other things that rats love to nest inside. Efforts to contact those in charge by the local media are ignored. 

They finally caught the wienie-wagger that was seen at the local university. His picture is shown for all to see and remember. They showed his face. I wonder if they made him drop his pants for a line-up.

The usual number of car wrecks are noted. Usually, the article states witnesses reported the driver driving too fast, or recklessly. I've worked on highways. The number of really bad drivers would make most people want to stay home, and I'm a little surprised about the low number of serious car wrecks.

Too many restaurants giving up is a clear indication the rosy reports of the economy are crap. That, and from my experience of buying a $4 dollar meal for $20 at Sonic, more will follow. 

There's plenty of other interesting reports, but I have a feeling I could look at the local news for just about anywhere in the United States and find similar stories. Maybe it's a sign of the times. I hope in a few years I can look back and laugh.


  1. people are unhinged and its getting worse. for a second i thought you were watching my little town news. same stories, plus the occasional fugitive from another state captured. seems hiding in a small town isn't the best strategy. idk what's going on w/ folks these days. chem trails? fluoridated water? radiation? it doesn't seem to affect country folk to the same degree, or folks that don't watch tv. kinda like covid.

    1. People are not panicking, but they're close. Criminals become desperate, and urban areas are becoming a less desirable place to live. With the degradation of city services, bad roads, businesses closing, and obscene prices, people are becoming more than worried.

  2. Restaurants are closing all over NE Ohio. A lot have been open for decades 😢

    1. Same here. It's tragic, and even some of the fast food restaurants are closing forever.

  3. Sadly, I don't think we will. And yes, similar here too... dammit!

    1. I think few realize the economy has a tremendous effect on crime. Money devalues, people find it harder to survive, and some turn to crime in desperation. The loss of honest businesses is one of the biggest disasters.
