In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Punk Kids

I have no other term for them. Young Spring Break turds; looking for trouble, threatening each other and disturbing the peace.

I wouldn't be disturbed, except they're stirring crap in the parking lot next door to my motel room and making more noise - with language that would make a sailor blush - than necessary.

I called the police. They arrived within minutes, but the throng disappeared.

It's not over. I wouldn't be surprised if I read about somebody getting their ass stomped, or killed tomorrow morning.

Where's the decency in today's youth? Being young, stupid and aggressive is part of growing up, but you don't do so where those that work are trying to rest. or where families might dine, while on vacation.

Assholes. May they all walk into the Gulf and disappear.


  1. They used to do that in the house next door to me. But, it was not just spring break. I was weary week after weary week that I listened and complained. Finally, I told the police they were al junior college students and the kegs carried in each week were for kids not old enough to drink. That ended it all after two years of them harassing me all night long and throwing beer cans in my yard.

    Hopefully, the problem will get turned around and walk into the Gulf.

  2. One of these days we'll consider crowds of such a target rich environment.

  3. One of my BFF's on FB is married to a Galveston Lt on the police force and she says he is staying busy; trying very hard to not knock a few heads around. Honestly, I have BT-DT for high school, college and the Navy. It's all part of being a kid without control or just coming in from a few weeks/months at sea. I suggest a stun gun/taser and pepper spray.

  4. There are the punks like those you are dealing with and the ones who stole from my granddaughter, and then there are the good, responsible ones like my granddaughter. It is a shame that the former outnumber the latter.

  5. They were like a pack of coyotes; gathering around the two idiots prancing around like Banty roosters. Such things usually don't bother me, but in the parking lot a the Waffle House? In daylight? With hotels all around? In a tourist city, where people are supposed to find some enjoyment, after spending hard earned money to get away from the rat race?

    Low lifes is the best description. Punk, low life, trashy kids that need their asses spanked and sent home.

  6. I don't hear anything. OK I know. nobody likes a smartass. Hope you get some sleep.

    1. Every fu***ng night this week I was awakened by the loud voices of some degenerate, asswipe.

      I need a taser.

  7. We put up with that crap for 4 years in Fla. We had a hotel near us. It was not fun. A high school band group duck taped a kid to a tree with the adults watching.

    1. Even when I was young, such lacking of decency was not on my mind.

  8. You got your wish. They wandered within 10 miles of the gulf and set up camps in the woods nearby. Therefore, I can't even have any garden ornaments in my yard because they take them. And it didn't help that Joe went into the woods with his .357 hoping for a confrontation. They disappear like the fog.

    Are you near us??????? We're off I75, exit 200. Are you near Ocala?

    1. I'm about 400 miles away, as the crow flies.

      My suggestion is to let loose the hounds of hell and watch them run.

  9. Dana, Cover those garden ornaments with something that will make them think twice, maybe with something really sticky or itchy. Just paint up some junk stuff and put it out like you are proud of it. Get some thrift store cheap dolls and spray paint them really pretty. How about some tanglefoot. Or, use a sticky rat trap. Ooops, I should have put this on your blog. Remember the story of tarbaby?
