In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Battle For Territory

This year brought new arrivals. We've always had fire ants, but what are known as "crazy ants" have arrived. They don't bite (at least I've never been bitten) and are tenacious foragers. Their big problem is their attraction to electricity. They'll fill a junction box, or a circuit board, and eventually short it out. I've experienced their destruction on a project where they filled the computer on a changeable message board, and the only repair was complete replacement. 

So, I spray them when they're around the house, carefully watch outside electrical appliances, and have to accept they're here to stay. One good thing is they will overwhelm fire ants. Where last year mounds were all in the yard, this year hasn't revealed but a few. Still, they're an invasive species, and I don't like having to deal with them.


  1. Chickens will take care of them if that is something you can do.

    1. My yard is a morning gathering place for chickens, geese, turkeys, and even an occasional peacock. I've watched the geese eat the ants, but there are so many, they either get bored, or filled with all they want.

  2. Axle grease. I use it on the trunks of trees I want to protect from leaf cutter ants- it might work for you.

    1. If that's what I have to do, I'll give it a try.

  3. Ants got into an electronic recorder mounted on a natural gas meter I maintained. The factory rep told me that ants were attracted to the hum put off by the electronics.
