In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thoughts for Today

I think I'm losing my compassion. Maybe it will return in full force, but considering the dregs of society I encounter daily, the apocalypse is becoming more than necessary. 

The Presidential race is now become a dance of ass-clowns and the fawning media. Considering the huge amount of money being spent to lie about just about everything, all national problems can be solved with the tar and feathering of at least a half dozen Congress-critters every month. Televise this necessary event, and use the money received to pay for the removal of the salaries of bureaucrats to pay the national debt. 

The Super Bowl happened again - and again - I was completely uninterested. I'll become more interested, when people pay a few thousand dollars to watch me work. 

I see dogs on the highway almost daily. Their neglecting masters allowed them to wander into traffic, and a log truck turned their loyal pet into strawberry jelly. I think the wrong critter was run over. 

Gas is cheap, but the huge oil field industry is closed down. If this happened to government workers, the media would not only be keeping it in the news hourly, the demand by politicians would require at least one dozen politicians to be tarred and feathered monthly....maybe daily. Daily sounds better to me.  

Now, on a happier note: I like the bloggers, and people that visit my blog. Why? Because they are smart. I like smart people. They make me realize how dumb I can be. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

So, What's New?

All sorts of things. Work is busy, with me trying to compress 40 years of experience into short lessons, while young men learn their brains are more than oatmeal. It's a tough task, because they have little to work with. Modern society fail to instill a basic work ethic, the goal of craftsmanship, and the realization that a college education doesn't equate to success.

That, and a new beginning in my life. I might, or not, elaborate in the future, but a substantial change dictates I adapt, and conquer.

I've been watching politics. It's a little sickening to watch, since integrity is thrown away for hype, outright lies, and an unwillingness to describe the evils perpetuated by Washington as something that needs to change.

The weather is nice. Lows in the upper thirties, and highs in the sixties. With bluebird skies, and stout winds, it's more pleasant than many realize. Where I'm working, early mornings reveal fields of diamonds on black velvet. It's more that wonderful, and yields moments that should last forever.

Still, I plod on, take care of my responsibilities, and continue to count my blessings. I'll keep writing, because it's an addiction.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Writing about Nothing

I have quite a few things to write about, but time constraints dictate I write only enough to let readers know I haven't slipped down a mine shaft.

As time progresses, and more time is available, I'll write to clear the cobwebs. ,