In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Monday, February 17, 2025

I'm Tired of Waiting

When are they going to arrest one of the obvious traitors? That, and arresting those that obviously broke financial laws to make millions with insider trading. I don't care if they're still investigating. Make them wait that time out in jail, just like those that were arrested for being in the capitol January 6, 2021. Allow them no bond, since they have enough money to be considered a flight risk, and seize their assets. Fair is fair and I'm tired of waiting.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Deep Thoughts

I had my bi-annual appointment with my dermatologist a little over a week ago. As usual, there were some pre-cancers to be treated with liquid nitrogen, and with two spots of concern I showed my dermatologist, there were some biopsies. As an afterthought, and not of any concern of mine, I showed him a small mole on my neck that hadn't been there very long. He decided to go ahead and do a biopsy, and we decided my visits need to be every three months in the future. 

The day before yesterday, they called to inform me of the results. One of the areas was just an irritation from what was probably an ingrown hair. One, which was treated six months ago, and had reappeared turned out to be a squamous cell cancer (I figured it was) and another appointment was made to finish removing the cancer early next month. The mole result was a little of a gut punch. It's melanoma, which leads to an entire different approach. 

My Moh's surgeon doesn't handle melanoma. I never asked why, but when asked during a visit, she told me she doesn't do them. After a referral, I was contacted by a doctor's office in Houston for scheduling a surgery. That happens next Wednesday. 

So, to say I'm not a little freaked out is an understatement. My thoughts haven't been super positive; even with encouragement from my wife and family. We'll see how this all turns out, and what the future brings. I hope for the best, but other thoughts are creeping into my mind. Melanoma killed my mother three months after I was born. Of course, that was nearly seventy years ago, and treatments are far more advanced. Still, things may change rapidly, and my thoughts can shift into the darker range. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Interesting and Necessary

According to this article, a federal judge following procedures must have a party post a bond before an injunction is awarded to cover costs if the plaintiff is wrong. Otherwise, if after all appeals the request for the injunction leads to economic damage to the defendant, and the plaintiff is wrong, the bond pays for the damages. If this bond is like most bonds, either the bond is furnished by the plaintiff in secured funds, or the plaintiff purchases the bond at at a price the bonding agent feels is a good price for the possible exposure, and the plaintiff pays an up-front fee for the bond. According to the article, this is rarely used, and the burden of costs goes directly to the defendant, or taxpayers, even if the injunction is overturned in appeal. We'll see how this is applied in the future, but it's definitely necessary to force activist judges to follow procedures and give pause to those so willing to use the justice system at the cost of others.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I Hope She's Busy

Pam Bondi is the new Attorney General.  I hope she's busy, because the obvious crimes are blatantly exposed, and the offenders need to be in jail until their trial. No bond. No interviews with the press, and their attorneys need the threat of imprisonment for even speaking their client's name. Regardless of all the hype, supposed efforts to correct the wrongs, and public determination, the possibility it's all a show is something to think about. Until strong actions are seen, it's nothing but political theater. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Repairing Damage

With all the rot in D.C. being exposed, I'm wondering what the D.O.J. will finally do with all the bad actors involved with the illegal activities that occurred over decades. Both major political party leaders were involved, the crimes include up to capital crimes, and the Trump Administration has key people that were victims of some of these crimes. May justice be swift in response, and the attorneys representing these reprobates only hoping for a plea deal. There's a lot of damage that needs repairing, and people that need to face accepting years in prison.