A local county, with the help of some citizens, while ignoring the advice of good engineers, decided to rebuild two swing bridges, due to their historic nature. Regardless of the inconvenience, traffic problems, maintenance problems, and probably most citizens, the bridges were rebuilt as they were originally.
So what kind of problems have already developed? Control problems, burned out motors, and the fact a hurricane storm surge will cover many of the electrical components of the bridges. One is closed too often due to problems, and the other is on a state highway, which if the bridge malfunction during a rare opening, will create a traffic problems that will involve tens of thousands of vehicles.
I call this madness. To make things worse, I doubt there will be funds to correct these mistakes in the near future. The problems will continue, age will cause damage, and in the end: they will have to replaced with fixed span bridges higher than the infrequent river traffic requiring access.
Dumbasses! Tax dollars being pissed away.