In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

What Does Logic Dictate?

Logic can be cruel; especially when there are so many good things envisioned, but if you examine the current state of affairs, and look into the past, you realize how things will probably turn out. 

- None of the Clintons will be prosecuted. If they are, I'll be very surprised. 

- Epstein's records, if there are any, will never be revealed. There's too much money, too many willing to kill someone for a few thousand dollars, and too many powerful people involved. 

- Those convicted, or still in jail, for the January 6 staged event will find there isn't much help. Their lives are still ruined, few have that charm needed to wow audiences, and book deals will never happen. 

- The economy will chug along, inflation will never be tamed, and living on a fixed income will become increasingly more difficult. The up side is those most vulnerable will die the fastest. Their suffering will be limited. 

- The "deep state" will continue with their shenanigans. They have too much dirt on those in power and will never let them take away what they've achieved. They let those that allow their actions to stay in power, continue with growing their fortunes, and cover their butts. 

- Illegal aliens will continue to cost money. Regardless of the easiest way to get rid of them, the most expensive, most "compassionate" method will be chosen regardless of the harm it causes to U.S. citizens. 

There's more, but it's obvious to most folks. Those most needing to be removed from society will continue to flourish, morals will deteriorate, and the best solutions to solve the worst of problems will never be undertaken.  I know this is a cynical appraisement, but until there's something that shows this isn't the standard way these things happen, I'll hold to my opinion. 


  1. History dictates that you are correct - close to 100% correct. But, the good Lord knows that I hope that you are dead wrong.

  2. Donald is all about deals. They'll be ignored.

    1. Truthfully, the only way I see anything really happening is ignoring protocol and going Neanderthal on those that refuse to help the country. I'd start with the obvious, like Soros and not stop until they're all gone. Unless that happens, it will be another four year circus.

    2. ^ This is the correct outlook.
      I'd like to be wrong & disagree but I can't.

  3. Yep. There is no fixing the current paradigm. It is rotten and corrupt to the core. The only solution is to burn it all down, hang the people responsible in wholesale numbers and start over.

  4. Time will tell, but an aggressive amount of prosecutions will be the only way to determine a positive outcome. Without severe legal consequences, the system will be shown to have failed completely and the United States as just another banana republic.
