We have us a Supreme Court justice nominee. There's a promise of a fight, which can be avoided if McConnell thumbs his nose at the Dems, calls for a vote, and laughs his way to a better legacy.
I've been watching some shows about living off the grid. They're interesting, since many have houses made with a lot of mud, stoves made from lightweight steel, no running water, and a tree for a restroom. I'm thinking they should have a show in the future highlighting these efforts of isolation. I don't think they'll find much to film, but I may be wrong. Regardless, the foundations, building materials, and lack of sewage system usually lead to a lifestyle not only uncomfortable, but unsanitary; if not dangerous.
The protesters are still active, although the media isn't showing them nearly as often. Maybe one of the brighter members of the media realized they were not only defeating their purpose, voters were deciding whether they wanted peace, or riots.
It appears the wearing of a mask is not only unnecessary, the demand is an infringement on civil rights. Of course, the nervous Nellies think otherwise, and many politicians think the same. Time will reveal much about this "pandemic", but never truly relate the terrible consequences of the reaction Hopefully, this all leads to a citizenry that never falls for such foolishness again.
Those pre-cooked meals they're advertising look delicious, but when you look up the prices, they damn well better be. You can feed a family for the cost of one. Of course someone actually has to cook to save that much.
Dewayne Johnson is endorsing the Biden Harris debacle. I thought he was smarter than that. I guess I'm wrong, and will be determined to not watch any of his movies. I can't support anyone that supports enemies of the United States.
The NFL is rocking along, although the organization is surely starting to feel the crunch. I know many former NFL watchers than now harass anyone they know watching a game. It's a good thing, since the NFL pays what I call traitors. The amount of revenue can't be anywhere near what it was before. The players may have to renegotiate their contracts when that's the only option other than bankruptcy.
That's all for now. It's Sunday, and tomorrow is another work day.