In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Doing Some Math

I was thinking about the date of my father's passing, and realized it's been almost 35 years since that day. That's 34 years we didn't celebrate a Father's Day, I still miss him.


  1. A decade for mine, this year. Same.

    1. I've thought of many things I wanted to ask my father. His history mostly, but that will never be.

  2. Not a competition, but 42 years - my biggest miss is that I never knew him as an adult - I often wonder what kind of a man he was, since only knowing him as a kid is way different than knowing parents when we become adults.

    1. My mother died before I was three months old. I've wondered many times about her.

  3. 20 years for my Dad. When something noteworthy happens, I still think I should call Dad and tell him. Aways takes a minute to realize he no longer answers. Still miss him.

    1. I haven't done that in a long time. When it happens, it takes a few moments to let it pass.
