In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Summer Heat

Today is supposed to be a repeat of the last few days. With official temperatures in the mid nineties, and humidity running around 60%, the heat index will be in the triple digits. That's when sweat doesn't dry, and body temperatures rise to the danger point. It's brutal on the ill-prepared, and can kill. 

I don't miss working on days like these. In the past, when pouring concrete, there was no relief from the sun, and heat. Regardless of how I felt, the concrete had to be finished in the proper sequence, and neglecting the task would lead to a ruined pour. That was expensive, and unforgivable. 

So, I'll take my time with any outdoor tasks, relish the ability to just say no, and enjoy the day. 

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