In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Reading Between The Lines

Why is the economy in shambles, crime unprosecuted, trust in public officials at an all time low, and the nagging problems of constant worry happening today? It's because most of us are not part of the club. We don't have unscrupulous stock purchases hanging over our heads. We don't receive kick-backs from large corporations for turning our heads, or creating profitable legislation for them and us. We haven't lost our moral compass and avoided following the path of decency. We don't report lies, call them truth, and torment those that expose the lies. We don't get a raise by just voting for a raise. We don't get to live in peace because of crime that prosecutes those that defend themselves. 

When you read between the lines, you realize all the supposed champions for the taxpayer will never turn on those that are obviously breaking the law because they have the same charges hanging over their head if they turn on their "buddies". It's a corrupt country, corrupt world and a corrupt society we live in, and I can see no good way for this to end.


  1. I can see no good way for this to end.

    It's been building in this direction since I started paying attention, at age 9, when they killed JFK. Nobody else sees a Good way to end the disgusting situation we are in either. Everyone who knows how wrong things Are also knows that the tiny sliver of Normal that we cling to evaporates the moment we take the action required to reverse the decades of corruption, so we tolerate evil. And now they have flooded America with foreigners who Are going to vote.

    1. Allowing foreigners to vote it treason. Assisting in the effort should be punishable by the harshest penalties allowed by law.

  2. History shows that freedom is a fleeting thing. It always creates corruption. Once corruption becomes a widespread product of freedom then it kills freedom. The on,y difference now is the speed at which it's happening and the widespread broadcasting and knowledge of what happening. As if that mattered, which it doesn't.

    1. Evil is what promotes corruption, and evil is in great supply.

  3. I call this GloboLeftistElite - it's a combination that will (seriously) bring us to Civil War 2.0. The law exists to remove the reason for personal vendettas. Once it is useless, then? Anarchy.

    1. Considering the decades the elite have escaped any real harm from their manipulation of nations, removing their influence is a daunting task. It's possible, but the polite rules of society would have to be circumvented, and going neanderthal on them necessary.
