In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Another Week Passes

Mosquitoes were the biggest contributor to the last week. Fogging only allows them to get high, and bite with more vengeance. Mowing was not pleasant, and repellent only exposed the fact mosquitoes can find places you wouldn't imagine. We'll deal with them all season, unless it dries up as much as last summer. 

Rain appeared again, and over a two hour period, we had over three inches, which was bad, but the tremendous straight line winds made it worse. The storm moved slowly, and we were blessed no tornadoes formed in our area, but trees still were uprooted, and low lying areas filled to the brim again. The weather folks called it a derecho, and Houston caught the worst of the large path of straight line winds. It's path, according to experts, was from Austin to Florida. 

The news is still filled with pandering, although it's beginning to look as though even the staunchest of Democrats are realizing they have backed crime that would make a Mafioso blush. So many laws have been broken, and it's looking as though people are going to respond with vengeance in mind.

The prosecutor of Trump's trial is obviously expecting a big payoff by someone. His career is over, and I think even publishers will avoid his story. New York will be exposed to law suits that will be impossible to defend, and those that can leave will do so at the earliest opportunity. May his downfall be a spectacular example of how evil is punished. He deserves nothing better. 

Our road is flooded, so we won't be going anywhere today. It should be down by tomorrow, and we can take a drive to see the damage. I'll avoid the outside as much as possible. I'd rather the mosquitoes feed on something else. 


  1. Imagine, if you will, how many thousands of miles of truly GIGANTIC pipelines and pumps that could have been built in a grid fashion across the country with the HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of our tax dollars that have been sent to the Money Laundering Capitol of the World (with 10% for The Big Guy!)?

    When one area starts flooding, just flip the switch and start pumping billions of gallons to places starving for water. Expensive, yes. But a pittance compared to what has been laundered through the Uke.

    1. I don't think many citizens would be happy if they knew the percentage sent to Ukraine to "help" that ended up in the bank accounts of U.S. politicians. I call it treason, and the punishment for those involved should be capital.

  2. Yep, the 'skeeters' are out up here too! Dammit...

    1. We're also being plagued by gnats. They're tiny, I usually don't see them, and their bite is almost like a sting.

  3. As usual, all the rain SA and Austin got went around Seguin.

    1. I'm thinking Sequin is the leeside of the Hill Country. Weather builds in the higher terrain, rains itself out, and then forms again further to the east. Systems travelling east to west leave the city lacking in moisture. I might be wrong, but I can't think of any other explanation.
