In Case You've Wondered

My blog is where my wandering thoughts are interspersed with stuff I made up. So, if while reading you find yourself confused about the context, don't feel alone. I get confused, too.

If you're here for the stories, I started another blog:

One other thing: sometimes I write words you refuse to use in front of children, or polite company, unless you have a flat tire, or hit your thumb with a hammer.

I don't use them to offend; I use them to embellish.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Finally, We Have a Break

It rained over the last week. It wasn't torrential, but every day was around an inch of rain, and the final tally was over five inches. The ground is saturated, and puddles are standing where I've never seen puddles last more than a few hours. We did manage to cut some grass in the high spots, but the rest will need days of drying. 

The humidity will be high for the next few days. That, and the mosquitoes are already finding enough stagnating water to breed prolifically. Evenings outside will be on the "no" list, and mornings will require the sun to burn off the dew before venturing out in the yard. Unlike last Summer, where the pond dropped five feet, this year has had plenty of rain in July, which is normally a dry month. How August pans out is to be seen, but I have a feeling the first cold front will be welcome; especially if it brings some cool, dry, windy days to dry everything. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

That Will Surely Help Their Cause

From what I've read, there was some type of show at the Olympics where drag queens recreated the last supper. I've also read the reception of this act isn't good, which I understand.

 Regardless of what a few hundred drag queens think, they're freaks at a freak show, insulting the faith of millions is guaranteed to demand accountability, and being public with behavior many find should only be  shown to willing adults is going to put a target on them. They've crossed the line, and I have no sympathy for those who become victims of the reaction. In fact, seeing them chased down the street in their high heels by a mob with pitch and feathers would be fine entertainment. Let the games begin.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Conversation Brings Back a Memory

 My wife, and I, were sitting on the porch, drinking coffee with my sister-in-law, and discussing how certain things were not negotiable when we were young, and how one certain look from our mothers could curtail any thoughts of whining. Going beyond whining could lead to things worse.

My sister-in-law told of a story of saying something inappropriate to her mother, who grabbed her by the hair and pulled her from their car to show her dissatisfaction with her daughter.  A spanking with a belt followed, which always involved a short wait, since her mother wanted her anger to subside before the belt wailed. She then asked her if she understood why she was spanked. My sister-in-law said that was worse than the spanking. She knew she had to confess to her error in judgement, and admit the failure. 

After we all laughed about the event, I told them of my error in judgement when I was about sixteen years old.  

I was sitting at the kitchen table, my mother was behind me and asked me a question. I don't remember the question, but I do remember the answer, which was not a good thing to do: "It's none of your business."

The next thing I knew, I was levitating. My butt was now a few inches above the chair, I was moving to the right, and the power that caused the levitation was suddenly released. Falling on my butt on the floor, registering the pain, and realizing there was a new pain, I turned to look at my mother standing over me with a handful of hair. I don't remember what happened afterward, but I do know - as I look back in time - it took a tremendous amount of strength to pick me up by my hair with one hand and throw me to the floor. Her message was clear, and I probably gave her an appropriate answer at that time. 

My wife, after laughing with my sister-in-law about my memory, stated: "You should write this down", which I did. Now both events are in writing for future reference by anyone that cares.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I'm Cynical

 Cheatle resigned. Now what? More investigations that lead nowhere? No accountability, as usual? More destruction of records and the constant effort to keep anyone from speaking? I see nothing will be resolved, the administration continuing feckless behavior, and the constant chatter of theories as nothing more than a distraction.


Monday, July 22, 2024

While The Fingers Are Being Pointed

From what I know, Trump has his own Secret Service detail from his presidency. This raises the question of what were they doing? If they were competent, and knew the security was not up to standards, why the hell did they allow him to go on stage? While everyone is pointing at the head of the Secret Service, and ignoring the fact Trump was supposed to be secure by his personal agents, how can you automatically blame her for trusting those responsible for Trump's immediate safety?

Sunday, July 21, 2024

So, He Bails

Biden is dropping out, which is no surprise. At the rate he was going, his ability to utter two intelligible words was an iffy thing, and even his supposed supporters were clamoring for him to leave. Harris is the supposed new candidate, which if things go like I think they will, will assume power after Biden is deemed unfit to lead. This will allow a glimpse of her "remarkable" leadership qualities to promote her electability. That, or they will pull a rabbit out of the hat, and come up with someone new who the media will promote to a level unseen in history. 

This is all theater. Thinking there is an orderly election process going on is unreal. It's a production, we're the audience, and the cost to watch is way too expensive for my budget. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Understanding The Mental State

A neighbor across the street, who was older than I was, left home, went to Houston, and joined the police department. Over the years he advanced with his duties, and eventually became part of the Secret Service guarding Walter Mondale, which was his task up to retiring. I had one conversation with him years later, when he was visiting his mother. 

The conversation we had was generally just catching up, nothing of real importance, but fascinating. He would look me in the eye, but only for a short period of time. It was as though he was analyzing my expression, categorizing what he saw, and his eyes would then return to the constant scanning of everything around.  I determined his training had changed him into a person that was supremely aware of their surroundings, analyzing the possibilities of threats, and constantly focused on everything. 

I feel too many of Trump's detail were not trained as they should be. They are supposed to protect the President by shielding him, but they are also supposed to be aware of any security gaps, possible threats, and prevent them from happening. If they weren't Secret Service, they were probably unqualified.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

In My Opinion

 My years of experience tell me the assassination attempt was not the work of an organized group. My  experience tells me - and I've dealt with EEO/DEI policies for decades - the worst of civil servants end up at the top. Why do I think this? Because bureaucrats are so scared of losing their job, too many are woefully unqualified for their position, and expecting them to function at a high level of competence is unrealistic.  The worst are promoted, because they're too hard to fire. Incompetent officials hire friends, family, yes-men, and sycophants, instead of those qualified.

Those entrusted with protecting Trump were feckless as a group. Not only were there not enough agents for security, those in charge had no idea how they left too many gaps exposed for what was taken as an opportunity by a disturbed young man. With a better detail, the news reports would have only reported how a young man was caught attempting to sneak into the event with a rifle. 

If there is any single group to blame, then it is whoever promoted, and allowed, an unqualified individual the position of head of the Secret Service. That's a position that should be held by someone with years of law enforcement experience, some military experience, and a clear understanding politics are not acceptable to be practiced by those hired to protect important people. This administration failed, will fail again, and some people need to be fired.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Plethora of Screw-Ups

The attempted Trump assassination exposed many things, but more than anything else it exposed how the U.S. government is filled with screw-ups. The Secret Service looks like a group of bumbling trainees, which if my current assessment of most government entities is correct, that's exactly what Trump's detail was. When you add the fact the person that is running that show is woefully unqualified for the position, except for their vagina, I'm thinking many mid-size communities have a better security detail than Trump's on that day. It's how it is today. Government employees can't be trusted to be competent. They don't have to be. All they need for their job is either the correct skin color, or have the correct hardware between their legs. It's EEO madness, but it's definitely diverse, if you take out exceptionalism as an important part of employment.

For those in civil service that aren't as I've described, I mean you no disrespect. You know how it is, and I hope you don't lose your mind before you retire.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Everything Ramped Up This Evening

An attempt was made to assassinate Trump. The assassin failed, but the Secret Service failed too. Why did the Secret Service fail? From reports coming out, the detail was denied manpower by those that could provide it, and if I had to guess, they did what they could, and were suddenly placed in the middle of an event training doesn't prepare for. That, or they failed in providing a large enough perimeter to protect Trump. Either way, the heads to roll are those that failed to understand the needs of a detail to protect a candidate when asked. That, and the security detail should have provided a physical barrier between Trump, and the audience, if they couldn't cover every angle possible. Suspicious minds would be wondering if it was all planned, but failed.

From the chatter over the internet, civility ended tonight. Those that support the Democrats will now walk on eggshells, and hope the majority that feel they've been abused by the government will not retaliate...which will happen in my mind. Regardless of opinion, the current administration has neglected the safety of the nation, injured the economic well-being of the nation, slandered those that only wished to stop the unregulated control by agencies, threw people in jail for angrily voicing their opposition to what they felt was an illegal election, destroyed foreign policy, slushed money from government contracts, allowed criminals to roam freely, and did so without any oversight by those paid to represent the United States. The last straw was trying to assassinate the candidate that opposed their efforts. 

We live in interesting times. Civil discourse is dead, the cuffs are off, and the fight for good over evil has begun. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Early in the Morning

My dog had an urgent nature call, woke the appropriate people (wife and I) and was let out to take care of his business. It's a rare occurrence, and I really appreciate he's not lazy and just finds somewhere in the house. Unfortunately, the thought of immediately going back to sleep was fleeting. So, some coffee, and time on the porch was necessary. 

We had a heavy thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. It was one of those that has more lightning than necessary, heavy rain, and parked over our area. It left light fog, and a thin canopy of clouds that remained after sunset. I'll call it a harbinger of today, since the radar is already showing thunderstorms building toward the Gulf. From what the weather folks reported, it's the remainder of a front that stalled offshore, will migrate north, and eventually fade away over the next two days. 

It's humid outside. There isn't a breath of air stirring, and the heavy dew coating everything is dripping from the roof. The clouds are thin, with lightning dancing in the tops of the thunderstorms to the south. An occasional low rumble is heard, which interrupts a mockingbird singing in the oak tree in the front yard. It's a pleasant song filled with the calls of different birds I know, birds that may exist, but I've never heard, and strikingly accurate mimics of the frogs that sing after it rains. The bird is a virtuoso, full of energy, and the song will probably not end until morning light. From what I know, it's a young bird, and probably this year's hatchling. The parents were busy in the Spring gathering for their nest and I was glad they didn't choose a site for the nest where they could dive-bomb me when I was too close.

I had a few plans for today. I have my sister-in-law's generator to look at. It probably has a dirty carburetor, or worse. I won't know until I fiddle with it, but it's appearing that project, and my line trimming plan for what the lawnmower missed may be placed on the back-burner. I'll be awake for a few hours, and drowsiness will overcome me. That will require a nap, and if it isn't interrupted by a storm like yesterday, I might reconsider my projects afterward. Until then, fixing breakfast, at least one more cup of coffee, and some time on the porch mentally solving the problems of the world is necessary. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Fleeting Memory

 I was watching a television show about searching for proof of aliens. It was interesting, but like most, it was full of subjective opinions, a lack of definitive proof, and the questions raised by the experiences of people. It brought back a short conversation I had with someone over forty years ago, while working on a project on a rural highway in the East Texas woods. 

I was young, and the man I was talking to had worked for decades for what was then known as the Texas Highway Department. I brought up a report I read about an encounter by two women on a rural highway near the city of Dayton, Texas, which is now known as the Cash-Landrum incident. I was skeptical, and his response was he saw the highway where the incident was reported to have happened. Something very hot had damaged the paving, and it had to be repaired. He had no idea if it was real, or not, but something did happen to the paving. 

As time goes on, and people are gone, things that may be important disappear. Considering how the incident was "investigated" by those with the most to hide makes me wonder what really did happen. Those that would really know are either gone, or getting close, and if there is any proof, it's hidden away in some classified file never to be revealed. 

The one thing I always found as odd was the proximity of the reported incident to Houston, Texas. At about forty miles away, and with an operational military facility nearby, it hardly seems to be a place any alien intelligence would reveal their existence. The women did report a substantial amount helicopters (some having twin rotors) around the object, which would indicate military involvement. Somewhere, somebody knows something, but will never tell, and it will remain a mystery for a long time.

Reading Between The Lines

Why is the economy in shambles, crime unprosecuted, trust in public officials at an all time low, and the nagging problems of constant worry happening today? It's because most of us are not part of the club. We don't have unscrupulous stock purchases hanging over our heads. We don't receive kick-backs from large corporations for turning our heads, or creating profitable legislation for them and us. We haven't lost our moral compass and avoided following the path of decency. We don't report lies, call them truth, and torment those that expose the lies. We don't get a raise by just voting for a raise. We don't get to live in peace because of crime that prosecutes those that defend themselves. 

When you read between the lines, you realize all the supposed champions for the taxpayer will never turn on those that are obviously breaking the law because they have the same charges hanging over their head if they turn on their "buddies". It's a corrupt country, corrupt world and a corrupt society we live in, and I can see no good way for this to end.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Beryl Was Closer Than I Like

 After coming ashore, and the rain bands starting arriving, Beryl was a strong tropical storm in my neck of the woods. The wind reached at least 40 mph, with gusts to 60. Torrential rain would fall, we'd get a short respite, and it would come again. The heavy rain finally stopped around 2:00 pm, but the wind was still blowing around 30 with gusts up to 50. Over the next few hours, wind gradually lowered, the rain left and the sky started clearing. 

We lost power twice. The first time lasted about an hour. After it went out again, it stayed off to around 6:45 pm. It's now on, the house is cooling, and if you didn't notice the downed trees, broken branches, and leaf debris on the roads, you wouldn't know a storm had passed. 

Hopefully this is the last we'll see of this type of weather this season. One time is one too many, and should last a lifetime. Houston, and to the southwest, received the brunt of the storm. Millions have no electricity, and tomorrow is supposed to hot, with high humidity.

Beryl Took A Closer Path

Beryl became a category 1 hurricane before landfall near Matagorda, Texas. I've been there. It's on the Gulf Coast, the Colorado River flows next to the road to the beach, and it's not very high above sea level. If I had to guess, much of it was inundated by the surge, and it's not a pleasant place to be this morning. 

Locally, the wind is a steady 25 mph, with gusts to 35 mph. Rain is constant, although the heavier bands seem to be over in Houston. The eye at 6:40 am is over Bay City, which is about 80 miles southwest of Houston. At the current path, the eye will be closer to Houston in a few hours, and the wind will add problems beside the torrential rain. 

I'm judging the center of the storm will stay about 120 miles away from my location, and the rain bands have the potential to cause some heavy rain during the day. How much is a guess, but it could be up to 10 inches if the bands train over my area. 

The eye at 2:00 am wasn't as developed as it now. It's heading toward IH-10. Driving between Houston, and San Antonio will be treacherous, and I wouldn't recommend driving it to anyone. 

That's the way it goes. Initial forecast can be off by hundreds of miles, and what looks as though it will only lead to a few showers leads to day of really bad weather. At least it wasn't a direct hit to the south. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Watching Beryl

 According to the weather forecasters, Beryl will come ashore somewhere around the Texas/Mexico border, and meander northeastward. That will bring us some rain, and it may be more than we want. Time will tell, but we're ready, if the road floods, and have generators, if the power goes off. Padre Island vacations will be shortened, and the wiser folks will leave by tomorrow evening.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Question For Weather Experts

 After watching some tooth gnashing about the heat in some places in the United States, I started wondering how the data from places that never had the temperature measured in the past affects the overall data. I can see where urban islands corrupt averages, and how analog measurements from the past may be arbitrarily rounded, or misread, which leads to inaccurate averages. Maybe some expert reads my blog, knows a little about how added data sets affect averages, and end my pondering.